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Lo qué hacemos

La Fundación para la Educación de Redwood City ha apoyado a los estudiantes durante más de 40 años brindándoles fondos y recursos adicionales. Su objetivo es cerrar la brecha entre la financiación estatal y el costo real de la educación. También apuntan a abordar las barreras económicas y de aprendizaje para el éxito, promover la equidad entre los estudiantes y reducir las brechas de oportunidades.

Nuestra estrategia

RCEF ofrece apoyo financiero, aboga por más recursos y prácticas basadas en evidencia y se relaciona directamente con la comunidad. Estos esfuerzos combinados apoyan a las escuelas de escasos recursos, ayudando a crear entornos de aprendizaje vibrantes y prósperos. A medida que el ambiente de aprendizaje en la escuela mejora con una infusión de recursos necesarios, RCEF anticipa que los estudiantes se involucrarán más en el campus y en el aula, desarrollarán habilidades socioemocionales críticas y aumentarán su rendimiento académico general.

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Apoyamos a los estudiantes invirtiendo en programas específicos que mejoran los puntajes en lectura y matemáticas y fortalecen la participación de los estudiantes y el aprendizaje socioemocional.

Abogamos por aumentos en la financiación por alumno para todas las escuelas del RCSD impulsando coaliciones para apoyar políticas que impacten a los estudiantes desatendidos y monitoreando las oportunidades de generación de ingresos.

Nos involucramos con la comunidad para comprender mejor las necesidades de las escuelas y las familias. Compartimos aprendizajes y mejores prácticas creando oportunidades de conexiones entre familias y escuelas.


El 100% de nuestros programas se dirigen a los 1,600 estudiantes de las escuelas comunitarias Hoover, Garfield y Taft.

Para abordar las desigualdades en la educación y reducir las disparidades en los resultados de los estudiantes, RCEF administra recursos a las escuelas con menos recursos y no tiene organizaciones de padres y maestros para ayudar a financiar programas críticos.


 Estas tres escuelas tienen los porcentajes más significativos de estudiantes de bajos ingresos, definidos como estudiantes que califican para almuerzo gratuito o de precio reducido (FRPL) y aquellos identificados como estudiantes de inglés en el distrito escolar de Redwood City.


​Las escuelas comunitarias promueven el éxito de los estudiantes al centrarse en el amplio contexto comunitario en el que se produce la educación y el aprendizaje. La creencia fundamental que guía este enfoque es que las escuelas, las familias y las comunidades pueden trabajar juntas por el bien común. Las escuelas comunitarias se basan en varias disciplinas, como la educación y el desarrollo juvenil.

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Acceso desigual a las oportunidades

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Herramientas y asistencia distribuidas uniformemente

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Herramientas personalizadas que identifican y abordan la inequidad

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Arreglando el sistema para ofrecer igualdad de acceso a herramientas y oportunidades

School Funding Facts

  • How does RCEF’s funding cycle work?
    RCEF establishes the program goal at the beginning of the school year and raises towards that goal throughout that year. Once the funds are raised, RCEF commits funds to the grantees and disburses in the following fiscal year for programs in the 2022-2023 school year.
  • ¿Cómo seleccionó RCEF estos programas?
    A competitive Request For Application process was used to source grant proposals. Grants have been included in the goal based on advancing critical metrics identified in our Theory of Change.
  • Why is RCEF not funding other schools in the District?
    RCEF focuses on serving underserved students. We are beginning our work with the three schools with the highest percentage of low-income students. As RCEF continues to grow its resources, we will consider funding additional schools. This matter is being considered as part of RCEF’s current strategic planning process.
  • Can I volunteer?
    While in-person volunteers are not allowed on school sites due to COVID-19 restrictions, RCEF will have volunteer opportunities available. Additionally, RCEF has several board committees that members of the community are welcome to serve. If you are interested in either of these volunteer roles, please contact RCEF.
  • Summary of Campaign
    You can download a summary of our Annual Fund here.
  • How does RCEF’s funding cycle work?
    RCEF establishes the program goal at the beginning of the school year and raises towards that goal throughout that year. Once the funds are raised, RCEF commits funds to the grantees and disburses in the following fiscal year for programs in the 2022-2023 school year.
  • ¿Cómo seleccionó RCEF estos programas?
    A competitive Request For Application process was used to source grant proposals. Grants have been included in the goal based on advancing critical metrics identified in our Theory of Change.
  • Why is RCEF not funding other schools in the District?
    RCEF focuses on serving underserved students. We are beginning our work with the three schools with the highest percentage of low-income students. As RCEF continues to grow its resources, we will consider funding additional schools. This matter is being considered as part of RCEF’s current strategic planning process.
  • Can I volunteer?
    While in-person volunteers are not allowed on school sites due to COVID-19 restrictions, RCEF will have volunteer opportunities available. Additionally, RCEF has several board committees that members of the community are welcome to serve. If you are interested in either of these volunteer roles, please contact RCEF.
  • Summary of Campaign
    You can download a summary of our Annual Fund here.
Seed Paper
Seed Paper

Hoover Community School

Teacher Professional Development

Funding is allocated to provide substitute teacher support during professional development training for educators. This ensures uninterrupted classroom instruction while teachers enhance curriculum, analyze learning data, and implement strategies to boost student engagement and achievement.

Students at School
Students at School
Students at School

Hoover Community School

Teacher Professional Development

Funding is allocated to provide substitute teacher support during professional development training for educators. This ensures uninterrupted classroom instruction while teachers enhance curriculum, analyze learning data, and implement strategies to boost student engagement and achievement.

Students at School
Students at School
Students at School
Black Background
Black Background

Taft Community School

Teacher Professional Development

Funding is allocated to provide substitute teacher support during professional development training for educators. This ensures uninterrupted classroom instruction while teachers enhance curriculum, analyze learning data, and implement strategies to boost student engagement and achievement.

Students at School
Students at School
Students at School
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